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How Many More Black People Must Die?
Mexicans Please Read!
Fire All Obama Supporters!
Senator Edward M. Kennedy: Dead
Barack Obama: History Has Been Made! Not!
Caylee Anthonys Body Found
Russ Martin Gets Fired!
Bullets on Banking and The Auto Industry.
History Made: Barack Obama will be the 44th president.

How Many More Black People Must Die?
Posted: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 1 Hour 4 Minutes 32 Seconds Post Meridian
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In light of mid-term elections and what looks like the inevitable response I need your help.

On some days I ride the train or hop a bus between two of my clients near downtown. While on the bus I hear about how God is a good God (Government is a good Government) and how Jesus has finally come back to save our souls (Barack Obama has descended to save us). Oh and of course the simple fact that many blacks will perish if the GOP takes over. Its going to be worse than the tribulation described in the book of Revelations in the bible.


Many Blacks will perish if the GOP takes over
the House of Representatives


Well after today there will no doubt be rhetoric to end-all rhetoric in the Black Community and I need your creativity to help me join in on some of the fun.

So far I have come up with the following apocalyptic scenarios:

  • The Tea Party wants to repeal the 17th amendment giving blacks the right to
    vote. (You know they aren’t going to look it up)
  • Sarah Palin’s family used to own slaves (any Republican will do) That’s why
    they have the slave-owner mentality.
  • They want to tear down the levees for good.
  • Watch, the AIDS infection rates are going to shoot up come January.
  • They prolly gonna try to bring slavery back saying it’s a work program, but
    Obama will keep them from passin-it.
  • Boehner already has a bill to sterilize Black people to keep us from
    reproducing, but Obama will keep them from passin-it.

And my favorite, inspired by John Lewis

  • The streets will be slick with the fat from burning black bodies as the GOP
    genocide on black people begins.

Help me out. Give me your ideas so when I take to the streets I can spread the message of the coming GOPocylypse on Black people! --- and have some fun getting them worked up.

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Mexicans Please Read!
Posted: Thursday, May 20, 2010 50 Minutes 47 Seconds Post Meridian
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Dear Mexicans

I understand you are here to work and make a better life for yourself and your family. Seriously, did you have to break the law to do it?

When visiting Mexico, the first thing they tell you is "Respect Our Laws and Customs".

Got it.

I wouldnt think of doing anything different.

I have some questions for any/all hispanics.

Q. What obligation do we have, to educate your children?
Q. If you are here illegally, why should your child be a citizen?
Q. Instead of protesting America, have you ever thought of protesting the corrupt country who's flags fly in your homes and the businesses you frequent.
Q. Why don't you speak English?
Q. If you get caught, why shouldn't you be deported?
Q. If you are not here legally, what rights should you really have?
Q. If the vast majority of people breaking the immigration law are Mexican, how is it racial profiling to check people of Mexican descent?
Q. Do you even realize that you have to break the law in Arizona to be checked in the first place?

The fact is, if you are here illegally you should leave immediately. If I was in your country illegally I would get ousted, jailed or worse. If its ok there, it should be ok here too.

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chris: Q. why are you so gay......
YUPitis: check your facts, illegal immigrants contribute close to 30 billion dollars a......
ginger: To all illegal Mexicans: How much taxes do you pay for......

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Fire All Obama Supporters!
Posted: Friday, April 16, 2010 1 Hour 39 Minutes 16 Seconds Post Meridian
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Say you owned a business. You have your money on the line every day, 24x7x365. You live every day in a state of slight paranoia, wondering who is going to get you. Is it the government, is someone going to rob you, are all the bills paid.

The one thing you have control of, are your employees. You try to make good choices and daily hope for the best.

If they work and take actions to help your business, it’s a good thing. If they act in a manner that hurts your business, you fire them.

Well, if you are a doctor, or work in a doctor owned hospital, can you now fire anyone who voted for Obama?

Good question.

If you think about it, they indirectly took actions that are hurting your business by voting for them. Maybe you should fire them for being dumb enough to vote against their own best interest, let alone yours.

So this person called dermdoc made the right call. If the text is true, he fired an Obama supporter.  Look at the TexAgsScreenCap to see the text.

Good for him. He also mentions one of his other doctors is retiring because of Obamacare.

My opinion – I am 100% behind this doctor with every fiber of my being. He made a business decision based on a newly hostile business climate.
Looking at my own prospects, I have the ability to earn more than the “limits” before additional taxes kick in. I personally have no intentions on expanding my business, salary or anything related beyond 200K unless that money is earned in a foreign country. In addition, instead of hiring American interns, I plan on offshoring as much as I can.

So go ahead Barack, take your best shot. dermdoc and I are smart enough to go on living, and in some cases retiring.
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chris: americas sale of bad loans causeed buisness around the world to lose......

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Posted: Friday, September 25, 2009 8 Hours 15 Minutes 30 Seconds Ante Meridian
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At B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington New Jersey, the kids are learning to love their country a just a little too much..

They chopped and screwed the spiritual "Jesus Loves the Little Children," and replaced the name of Jesus with Obama's: "He said red, yellow, black or white all are equal in his sight! Barack Hussein Obama."

Let me ask you a question real quick. Does anyone have a problem with this socialist (listen to some of the lyrics) indoctrination foolishness? You cant say God in school or pledge allegiance to the flag but its ok to praise Obama?

Hugo Chavez is saying "Dayum!"

Homework Assignment: Write a report about what would have happened if it was George W. Bush they were singing about? Now I already know they would have executed Karl Rove for thinking it up, but what else would they have done?

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TheJedi: OMFG - The Young Hitlerian Society rides again!......

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Senator Edward M. Kennedy: Dead
Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 9 Hours 1 Minute 45 Seconds Ante Meridian
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 Senator Edward M. Kennedy appears before a judge even more qualified than Robert Bork ever will be. Mary Jo Kopechne finally gets justice.

Mary Jo Kopechne, Rest In Peace.

Mary Jo Kopechne, RIP.

As for Ted.. FLAME ON!

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diane: Hey everyone should know if your a Kennedy no matter what you......

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Barack Obama: History Has Been Made! Not!
Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10 Hours 45 Minutes 0 Ante Meridian
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Sooo, Barack Obama is president.

Now what?

I see the crowds on TV. It was impressive to say the least.

Its Wednesday morning. I had to go to work. Barack Obama did too. He says its time for change. Thats wonderful. Black leaders all over the place have high expectations. Thats wonderful too, unfortunately they are sadly mistaken if they think that anything is going to change.

  • There are three generations of people in this country that are irretrievably broken. They are uneducated and uncouth. They don't want education or etiquette either. They think that Barack is going to save them but he is not. He keeps talking about personal responsibility. Well guess what that goes against everything a lot of these people beleive.
  • The gangs are not going to disband. They too are irretrievably broken. With deese hoes and money quickly and easily available they aren't going to abandon that for something legitimate. Thinking they are, is stupid. The only way to combat that problem is to imprison them until they either die or are physically incapable of harming the populace or, kill them outright through police action or, state execution. In either case, death or incapacitation are the only practical solutions for them.
  • Young black women not going to find the aforementioned gang members an felons any less attractive either. They will continue to love and have babies for them. The fate of those babies are the same as their fathers. We will assign good attributes that babies have to their parents in a minute. Guess what? Inferior intellect, and homicidal tendencies are also passed down as well.
  • Anyone wanting to be like Barack or Michelle, will continue to quickly learn that an education and many beatings lie along the same path.
  • Education in black communities will continue to lag behind. They are run by Democrats and minorities of one kind or another and therefore have no problems right? So what problems are there to fix? None. Seriously though they *cant* be fixed. If they start educating using the same standards and methods used elsewhere the deficiencies in those school systems will be laid bare. Screw that. And no George Bush to blame? Hell no.

So there you have it. Barack is President. Great. Is Lauren London impressed with him? Nope. If you think that with one swipe of his mighty hand suddenly things are going to change, Well, its not.

Perhaps the current crop of children, under ten, will grow up looking up to Barack and defy/disobey their parents ignorant teachings and beliefs and do better for themselves. There is hope right?

Nope. Nothing has changed, nor will it… Ever..

For the talented tenth, I am not talking about you. I am talking about everybody else.

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chris: diane, that was the politest racist comment i have ever heard. your......
diane: History has been made, it has taken him one year to completely......

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Caylee Anthonys Body Found
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2008 32 Minutes 6 Seconds Post Meridian
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Holy Crap! It looks like they found the body of missing girl Caylee Anthony in a plastic bag down the street from where she lived.

Time for an electric chair!

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Russ Martin Gets Fired!
Posted: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 8 Hours 50 Minutes 10 Seconds Ante Meridian
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The Russ Martin Show has been canceled.

Russ Martin got fired yesterday as the station switched over to an all sports format. Well, I hear that Sirius XM is hiring..

Russ had a decent show. While I quit listening to him because of Satellite radio, I think he should go there and flourish.

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Bullets on Banking and The Auto Industry.
Posted: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1 Hour 37 Minutes 11 Seconds Post Meridian
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Some bullets regarding the banks and the auto industry.

  • The government should let the banks fail. Let the FDIC do its job and damn the rest.
  • The government should let the auto industry fail. Out of the ashes of GM, Ford and Chrysler will rise small, high-tech startups who will manufacture the cars of the future. Most of them are already here. With the large trees felled, the little ones will grow faster.
  • This is what economies, do. Anyone remember the dot com failure in 2000-2001? Out of the ashes came a ton of new companies with great ideas. Capitalism always has a way of making things work.
  • Don't bore me with "the auto industry is too big." please. Larger sectors of our economy have fallen and come back. If it doesn't come back then blame the unions.
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History Made: Barack Obama will be the 44th president.
Posted: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 6 Hours 38 Minutes 17 Seconds Ante Meridian
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Barack Hussien Obama will be the 44th president. We have made history. 175 years ago blacks in this country were slaves. Today we have elected one president.

Just a quick reminder to all black people.

  • Your car payments are still due. Your going to have to pay your car payments if you are to continue to drive.
  • Your house payments are still due. If you didn't make your house payment your going to be foreclosed on. Sorry bout that.
  • If you committed a crime, you may end up in jail.

And seriously, what is going to change for black people? Ten to fifteen seconds after the euphoria wears off the following will happen:

  • Black men will still have disdain for educated like Barack and will either want to rob or kill them.
  • Black women will continue to chose thugged out men men who will beat/cheat on them over a man like Barack.
  • People who use the same English Barack uses (Standard English) will still be looked at as acting white.
  • The killing fields of Chicago, Washington DC, Newark, Atlanta and Detroit will continue ad infinitum.

All Barack has really done is show that a cultural change is necessary in order to succeed. Successful black people have been saying this for decades.

Nothing has changed then, nor will it now.

The curtain of socialism has fallen. All achievement will now be punished. The age of entitlement has begun.

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chris: "All Barack has really done is show that a cultural change is......

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Derrick Jones Versus The Police: Guess Who Won?
Posted: Friday, October 10, 2008 1 Hour 55 Minutes 55 Seconds Post Meridian
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I cannot believe that this is even going before a grand jury.

On September 30, Derrick Jones decided to beat up a cop and in the process got shot. Dead.

His brother Dewayne Jones said: "My brother, my mother's son, was murdered"

Murdered? Indeed. By who? Rene Villanueva? The cop who did the shooting?

Derrick Jones murdered himself.

Dewayne Jones also makes the assertion that: "The right choices wasn't made that night,"

Are you kidding?

Name the wrong choices here:

  • Doing PCP
  • Getting pulled over.
  • Jumping out of the car and having it crash
  • Punching a police officer in the head

Which choice was wrong?

Here's some advice for anyone else who decides that punching a police officer is a great idea

Seriously. Let it go.

You cant call this one racism either. While this incident was unfortunate, it could have been avoided. I doubt if Rene Villanueva set out to kill anyone that day.

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Farmers Branch Texas Continues The Good Fight Against Illegal Immigaration
Posted: Friday, September 05, 2008 7 Hours 48 Minutes 19 Seconds Ante Meridian
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Farmers Branch Texas produced another city ordinance to ban illegal immigrants from renting property in the city limits.

Another lawsuit came what, ten, fifteen seconds later?

The first ordinance was ruled illegal because it put the burden on landlords to verify citizenship. The new ordinance orders landlords to pay a five dollar charge for a license to occupy and swear that tenants are in the country legally.

What I don't understand is how the illegal immigrants are being unlawfully treated in the first place. They are in this country illegally so, sending them out of this country is not exactly what I would call illegal by any means.

I challenge anyone to show my how this is illegal or run afoul of the constitution in any way.

Like U.S. citizens going abroad, entering this country is a privilege, it is not a right. If I went to Central America and got mistreated, I can always leave and go back to the country I came from. These people, however benign they are, can do the same.

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An Open Letter To Parents And Students Of H. Grady Spruce High School
Posted: Monday, August 25, 2008 11 Hours 22 Minutes 33 Seconds Ante Meridian
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I read about the recent debacle at Spruce High School. This story has been played out a million times.

  • Students go to a school that generally fails.
  • Parents and concerned students show up to support it.
  • The school board or the state take whatever action they deem necessary anyhow.
  • Parents and concerned students protest
  • The school board or the state take whatever action they deem necessary anyhow.

Rinse and repeat.

Its time for the concerned students of Spruce High School (and their parents) to do the impossible.

The Students who tried to save Spruce High School will be successful no matter where they go.

Its time for you to start thinking about things larger than yourselves. The students who asked the school board to leave their school intact are no doubt great students. Their impassioned pleas are proof of how smart they are and how much they care.

Guess what? They are going to be successful in life regardless of where they go to school.

The problem is, your being selfish. Your not thinking about the students who aren't making the grade. They need a better than what they are getting. They aren't as bright as you.

The fact is, the school needed to be dismantled. Young people usually don't like change and I understand that however, let this be a lesson that change is a way of life. You just got introduced to it a little sooner than you'd like.

Stop thinking about how your lives got disrupted and think about the students who are less fortunate and not as bright as you are. They deserve a chance too.

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Barack Obamas Curious Values
Posted: Monday, August 18, 2008 1 Hour 26 Minutes 18 Seconds Post Meridian
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Pastor Rick Warren asked Barack Obama "When do babies get human rights?"

Barack Obama responded:

"I think that whether you are looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade."

What the hell? Above his pay grade. Nice. Do you know what this attempt in evasion reveals? Fear.

Barack Obama has repeatedly voted in favor of abortion rights without failure and now that he got called on it, instead of stating what he really believes or at least what he votes and standing up for it, he decided to try to evade the question.

He then went on to diss Clarence Thomas. Of Thomas, Barack Obama said that he was not “strong enough jurist or legal thinker” Interesting though. He didn't say anything bad about Chief Justice Roberts or Samuel Alito even though he voted against their nomination.

Barack himself has always branded himself some kind of hapless victim of unfair attacks by McCain and so-called right-wing nut-jobs. Now it would seem that Justice Thomas, has come under attack by none other than Barack Obama. Now, I have read some of his papers. I wouldn't call Clarence Thomas a weak legal thinker. His only crime was to dare to disagree with a lot of black America. Perhaps he disagreed with Thomas's conclusion that constitution did not include a right to abortion and judicial activists simply created one.

I cant wait for the debates Barack Obama has so far evaded. They will prove to be interesting.

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Terrell Bolton Has Not Changed A Bit
Posted: Friday, August 08, 2008 1 Hour 26 Minutes 54 Seconds Post Meridian
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Wouldn't you know. Former Dallas Police Chief Terrell Bolton lost his case against the City of Dallas in appeals court. None of this is hard to believe. Why he is still trying to fight Dallas City Hall is beyond me. He got fired and for good reason. Now he is busy screwing up in DeKalb County by continuing to be an idiot and continuing the same types of foolishness he did in Dallas resulting in low officer morale, and wasteful spending that lead to his ouster in Dallas.

Don't tell me. The only reason why he's under scrutiny is because he's black right?

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The Black Experience: Dont Wish That Mess On Anyone
Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10 Hours 58 Minutes 25 Seconds Ante Meridian
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My Brother still drinks the Barack Obama Kool Aid in spite of allot of obvious and indisputable facts about him.

He tells me that he wishes I was 50, so I could have had "The Black Experience". When I think about it, that was an offensive and unkind thing to say or wish on anyone. The reason why I feel that way however, is not as obvious as it may seem.

Why would anyone want to wish going through the Civil Rights Movement on anyone? I do not have a desire to be discriminated against or watch the fire hoses of the Democrats in the south on the news every day.

Is it going to make me thankful for what I have? No. I am already thankful for everything I have and the freedoms I enjoy. I have been too close to losing all of them too many times.

I'll tell you what The Black Experience has done to many of my friends. It has put on them a terrible and in the year 2008 largely unnecessary burden they carry with them everywhere they go. I cant imagine what their days must be like. Here are some other things I cant imagine:

  • I cant imagine walking around questioning the motives of everyone I see that doesn't look like me.
  • I cant imagine branding people racist just because they don't understand me or ask me stupid questions out of nothing more than ignorance.
  • I cant imagine using the word "White Folks" in a sentence hundreds of times per day.
  • For the uneducated, beleiving that the government is out to get them and created the AIDS virus and other foolishness Jeremiah Wright and Kanye West told them through the pulpit or song.
  • I cant imagine blaming my failures on an invisible and almost non-existent enemy. If its my fault, at least I can fix it.
  • I cant imagine hating people who look like me just because they are conservative but loving people who commit felonies.
  • I cant imagine living in fear of people who don't know me or even know of me.
  • I cant image transferring this burden to my children and having them grow up with it.

No, I don't want to be born in and around 1960. I don't want to have The Black Experience. That's an experience I can do without. Its a burden I don't need. I know the intent was to get me to see things from their point of view but who in his right mind wants to look at the world through a lens so jaded?

Even though I don't want Barack Obama to be president, I thank God every day I live in a country where its possible for him to be president.

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Demetris McCoy Gets Eight Years In Jail
Posted: Sunday, July 27, 2008 1 Hour 24 Minutes 43 Seconds Post Meridian
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Demetris McCoy has been sentenced to eight years in prison for giving his two year old and four year old nephews marijuana to smoke. Justice has been served.


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James Fantroy Gets Out Of Jail
Posted: Saturday, July 26, 2008 1 Hour 23 Minutes 51 Seconds Post Meridian
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James Fantroy got out of jail. He still denies he did anything wrong. I have got to start taking whatever it is he is taking these days to escape reality because a stiff drink and a vacation is not getting me where his mind is.

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Booker T. Washington High School: There Has Got To Be Something Else To Protest
Posted: Friday, July 25, 2008 1 Hour 22 Minutes 47 Seconds Post Meridian
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Booker T. Washington High School has a 160,000 square foot addition and remodeling thanks to a 10 million dollar donation from Nancy Harmon. So, to thank her they put a sign on it that says "Harmon Arts Magnet". Of course there were protests. They are stating that it dilutes the name of the campus. Everybody please note there is a huge concrete sign that says Booker T. Washington High School. I mean really. I wish these people would find some real racism to protest or something productive to do with their free time. Stupid.
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John Edwards Has A Love Child
Posted: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 1 Hour 57 Minutes 18 Seconds Post Meridian
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Question: Why is Robert Novack hitting a pedestrian front page news and John Edwards having a possible affair and baby not news?

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You Said
chris said:
"All Barack has really done is show that a cultural....
chris said:
diane, that was the politest racist comment i have ever....
chris said:
chris said:
americas sale of bad loans causeed buisness around the world....
chris said:
Q. why are you so gay....
chris said:
yes im sure her son pushed him over the edge....
Sticky said:
Very valid, pithy, succncit, and on point. WD.....
My Hero
Sorry Bro
Citizen On Patrol
A Can Of Whoop Ass
Im goin to Jail!
The Architect
Definitely not a broke N-Word
Our President
The Magic Negro!
Everybody does it.
Evil Incarnate?
See dermdoc's words
