The Last Word On Everything

What I Think(48)
Civil Rights(13)
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Celebrity Stuff(10)

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How Many More Black People Must Die?
Mexicans Please Read!
Fire All Obama Supporters!
Senator Edward M. Kennedy: Dead
Barack Obama: History Has Been Made! Not!
Caylee Anthonys Body Found
Russ Martin Gets Fired!
Bullets on Banking and The Auto Industry.
History Made: Barack Obama will be the 44th president.

The Republican Party represents conservative views in the USA.

Articles Containing "Republican"
How Many More Black People Must Die?
Many Blacks will perish if the GOP takes over the House of Representatives. Help me stop them! look it up) Sarah Palin’s family used to own slaves (any Republican will do) That’s why they have the slave-owner mentality. T...
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Robert Holeman: Beaten Senseless By Bill Clinton
Robert Holeman went to a rally emceed by the Messiah of the Black People. Bill Clinton Beat Him Senseless.
... the Jena Six" However, I ask, what would have happened if a Republican did this? You already know. Charges of racism and abuse of ...
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Would It Be Racism Against Barack Obama If..
If Barack Obama wins more delegates than Hillary Clinton but then, loses because of super delegates is that racism?
...ause of Super Delegates is that racism? I know if it was the Republican Party it would be (whether it is or not).....
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John Lewis, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the rest of you: An Open Letter:
Posted: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1 Hour 24 Minutes 6 Seconds Ante Meridian
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Dear Civil Rights Leaders

I still continue to hear this constant drone about how African Americans cant get anywhere, do anything or be anyone. As of today, 2/6/2008 Barack Obama, even after Super Tuesday is still a serious contender for President of the United States. He didn't win a state like Connecticut or especially Iowa because of just black people. He won because of his message.

Now, I am a Republican and therefore disagree with the pacifism and populist mumbo-jumbo he delivers on a consistent basis. I do however, have respect for someone for whom just like Bill Clinton, the messiah of the Black People came from nothing to become an admired leader by just about everyone whether they agree with him or not.

Its time to stop telling black people how pitiful and pathetic they are. Stop trying to discredit him because he and Bill Cosby do not agree with alot your thinking. Stop acting like an ignorant black man or black woman and give people like Barack Obama and Condoleezza Rice the respect they deserve.
I want to thank all of you, Jesse Jackson's, and others of your ilk for the contributions and sacrifices you made 50 years ago that helped make this possible. With that said I ask that you realize that you and your message is out of date. The socialism you helped bring that helped the worthy back then, has destroyed just about everyone else's life today. New Orleans, its crime, drug abuse, poverty and hopelessness is an example laid bare for all to see after the floods. You cant blame Republicans, Democrats, you and your kind have New Orleans and Atlanta, into the ground, for years.

Now, I intend to vote Republican. However, I believe that the Democrats deserve better than Hillary Clinton and subsequently you (Civil Rights Leaders) to carry the message and represent the people you claim to represent. You want change? Well, if you are as important as you say you are it really starts with you now doesn't it?

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Bill And Hillary Clinton Are Racists! (If They Were Republican)
Recently Bill Clinton disparaged Barack Obama. Where is the outrage?
...ent remarks out. The Clintons are incapable of lying. All Republicans are racists, especially the black ones. Democrats especia...
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Barack Obama Wins Iowa
Barack Obama won Iowa. He won in a 90% White state chock full of perceived racism. I disagree with his politics on many, many fronts but Barack Obama has made history here.
...s still the heir apparent. Mike Huckabee is a tax and spend Republican like George W. Bush. Mitt Romney is a better candidate Ru...
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Profiles In Ignorance: Michael Eric Dyson
Michael Eric Dyson fingers the white man for everything that has ever happened to black people? Well, in one article he alleges Reagan pushed crack and Jena 6 was a miscarriage of justice.
...d happening in the black communities and use the name of any Republican to get ignorant black people started. Its this kind of rhet...
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Michael Vick Sentenced..
Michael Vick was sentenced today.
...ho think the police, white people, the courts and especially Republicans are taking precious moments out of their day to figure out...
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Barack Obama Raises 25 Million
Barack Obama seems to have raised almost as much has Hillary Clinton.
... cool with either Hillary or Obama. They will assure another Republican in office in 2008....
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Cynthia McKinney Loses To Hank Johnson
Known for being outspoken (ignorant) and controversial (ignorant) Cynthia McKinney went over the edge earlier this year when she struck a capitol police officer with a cellular phone. At that point even the irrational people in her district figured enough
...hem (whites), we have to right the wrongs from the past, all republicans are racists and if that doesn’t work, just say something r...
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Immigration: Its not just about Mexicans
The immigration debate is beginning to get on my nerves. There are some issues that aren't being addressed here. This is how I see it:
... illegal immigrants into this country. Its also time for the Republican Party to stop pandering to them, mining them for votes in c...
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Kanye West: I aint sayin he's a golddigger but..
Kanye West decided to go on a tear about George W. Bush saying "George Bush does not care about black people"
...s. As usual, the Civil Rights Industry looks for the nearest Republican and pins the failure on them and of course says its racism....
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Howard Dean on Black America:
Howard Dean is the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Immediately he has begun to make waves.
.... Immediately he has begun to make waves.. "You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a...
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Profiles in Ignorance: Julian Bond
Julian Bond said something ignorant again. Surprised? I'm not.
...of the more things this ignorant black man has said lately: "Republicans appeal to the dark underside of American culture, to that...
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Giving Back (Or Not)
Why should you go back to the hood and get shot for being conservitive. Oh and Julian Bond is ignorant. Had to get that in.
...coming up. Why is it that if a black person decides to be a Republican, they have somehow sold out their race or some other ignor...
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You Said
chris said:
"All Barack has really done is show that a cultural....
chris said:
diane, that was the politest racist comment i have ever....
chris said:
chris said:
americas sale of bad loans causeed buisness around the world....
chris said:
Q. why are you so gay....
chris said:
yes im sure her son pushed him over the edge....
Sticky said:
Very valid, pithy, succncit, and on point. WD.....
Beaten Sensless in a racially motivated attack!
A Can Of Whoopass
The Beatdown
Too Smart To Say Dumb Things
How many ways can you say Dog Fighting?
Smacked McKinney
For President?
On a good day, not that bad looking either.
Ignorant Assed Woman
Definitely not a broke N-Word
Everybody say Al
P, Q, Arrah, S
Our President
Ignorant Black Man
Tax and Spend
The Magic Negro!
Super Foolishness
Everybody does it.
Theyre Everywhere in the NAACP
Make That Money
Evil Incarnate?
More Vanilla than Chocolate these days
