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Dr. Henrie M. Treadwell
Dr. Henrie M. Treadwell is an associate director of Development at the National Center for Primary Care at Morehouse School of Medicine

She also directs Community Voices, a non-profit working to improve health services, and health-care access, for all Americans.

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Felons For Barack Obama!
Posted: Monday, July 21, 2008 8 Hours 25 Minutes 7 Seconds Ante Meridian
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This article written by Dr. Henrie M. Treadwell was brought to my attention last weekend. When saw the title, "Millions of African Americans Will Be Disenfranchised on Election Day" I thought this was something about polling places, public transportation or something remotely valid.

No, she is are talking about voting rights for felons. I went ahead and read this foolishness with an open mind. Then my eyes began to roll backwards.

Here is an excerpt.

Nationwide there are several million people who are ineligible to vote because of various state laws that restrict voting by ex-felons released from prison. If those currently serving time for felony convictions are added to ex-felons released from prison a total of 5.3 million people won't be allowed to vote. Clearly, this disenfranchisement could impact the outcome of the election since the vote in swing states will be close. This could hurt Obama because a disproportionate number of ex-felons are African Americans and blacks have overwhelmingly supported his campaign.

In Florida, another key state in November, 1,089,911 people can't vote because the state places voting restrictions on ex-felons released from prison, as well as those on probation and parole. There are also a number of disenfranchised ex-felons in other key states, such as: New Jersey (99,136), North Carolina (37,352), Georgia (232,972), Louisiana (59,971), New Mexico (10,955), Colorado (6,920), Missouri (60,428) and Nevada (32,440).

 Read it again. She is actually saying that millions of people will not be able to vote because they are felons. She then says that because the majority of them are black that this could hurt Barack Obama.

This argument that blacks are being disenfranchised because felons cannot vote is intellectually bankrupt.

What this sounds like is "Barack Obama must win at all costs." Now the people have passed laws stating that if you have no intention on obeying the laws then you shouldn't pick the lawmakers.

Committing a felony is pretty serious business. I don't care what or why you did it.

I read this article and became incensed. At the time of this writing I have managed to live 40 years without committing a felony. Millions of other blacks have managed to do the same. So I am going to make a bold assumption here that its possible for African Americans to live without committing felonies. The same applies to white people. With this in mind they simply are not being disenfranchised and this argument is intellectually bankrupt.

What is society to do? Activists in the hood say they want drugs off the streets. The police arrest and convict people involved in the trade. Then, when the jails fill up they complain again stating that too many of us are in prison. You cant please some people.

I am not going to sit here and say that some drug laws were not designed to target blacks. Well, guess what, drugs are destroying black society, so perhaps getting those people off the streets are a good thing.

If you know the deck is stacked against you to that degree then there is a quick and easy solution. Try not committing crimes and/or buying and selling drugs. It is possible.

Instead of launching this "Felons for Obama Campaign", why not publish an article in the newspapers warning blacks not to engage in felonious activity so they can vote in the fall.

Nah, that might be a productive use of your time now wouldn't it?

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You Said
chris said:
"All Barack has really done is show that a cultural....
chris said:
diane, that was the politest racist comment i have ever....
chris said:
chris said:
americas sale of bad loans causeed buisness around the world....
chris said:
Q. why are you so gay....
chris said:
yes im sure her son pushed him over the edge....
Sticky said:
Very valid, pithy, succncit, and on point. WD.....
Felons for Obama 2008!
The Magic Negro!
