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Why Are Black People So Pissed Off?


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What Jeremiah Wright, Frederick Hanes And Other Black Leaders Are Afraid To Do
Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11 Hours 44 Minutes 4 Seconds Ante Meridian

In my previous entry I talked about how Black People are pissed off. Here is why.

Black leaders especially preachers like Jeremiah Wright and Frederick Hanes are poisoning the thinking of the people who least need to hear negativity.

Meanwhile people like Barack Obama and his wife are successful in spite of their meager beginnings. It defys everything they say. Its time to wake up. The slaves are dead. The slave owners are dead.

If Reverend Wright and others like him talked of what people like Barack CAN do instead of what Reverend Wright and others his age COULDNT do 40 years go perhaps things would be better in Chicago, New Orleans and everywhere else.

How about pumping some of that fire and brimstone energy into:

  • Letting all those fat women in church realize that gluttony is a sin. Obesity is one of the top health issues in the inner city.
  • Tell those women to stop putting up unproductive men in their government provided housing.
  • Tell those men to get jobs. Guess what, without a high-school education, they may not become CEO and make six figures. Whoops!
  • Tell both men and women that great jobs are not available to the uneducated, unkempt and uncouth.
  • Instead of investing 70 grand in a new Escalade, try buying a home instead.
  • Stop being sorry for yourselves, all the slaves and slave owners are dead.
  • Stop looking at socialism to solve your problems. George W. Bush didnt get you pregnant or your son killed in a drive by. Pookie-nem did that shit.

Now politcal leaders cannot say these things and especially preachers cannot preach these these things for if they did, the women they depend on for income, not wanting to hear the error of their ways, would raise up in droves and the men they put up in their government provided or rent-defrayed homes would threaten the preachers lives instead of their fellow man like they do today.

With that in mind, the preachers and other so-called black leaders must stay part of the problem instead of part of the solution if they are to earn a living, stay in power and break off a couple of deese hoes every now and again.

Ironic as it may seem, the only man who has the balls to say these things is Louis Farrakhan. For that I give him some credit.

Simjournal Comments
Name: daedalus
Date: Monday, April 27, 2009 1:24:17 PM
@Trickydick I am going to assume by your English (or lack thereof) that you are black. Well, guess what? I am too. What you've said makes no sense. At least Diognese said somehting productive, even though I disagree.

Name: Diogenese
Date: Monday, April 28, 2008 11:40:03 PM
Subject:Ignoring Reality
"Instead of investing 70 grand in a new Escalade, try buying a home instead". That statement is indicative of knowing what it is you don't know, so that you will find out what you need to know, so that when miss information is placed before you, you will know what the differences are. You may not like the messenger, but the message is the reality of Blackness in America and indeed throughout the world. If you think for one second that Black Folks investing 70 grand into an overpriced house constructed by red-lining white developers and financed by white institutions that charge Black Folks on average 2-3 points higher on their mortgage loans than whites with lower credit ratings is going to change our horrific statistical quality of life and standard of living then you have been watching too many of those sugar coated, plastic, Neo-Negro shows like the Cosbys. Yes, we should be investing in businesses that will build sustainable financial foundations that will result in generations of black folks with transferable wealth. However, we as Black Folks must understand that it is a battle for economic equity...white folks are the makers of the rules and as such you are not going to play the game, unless you are willing to battle. The problem with must of educated black folks is that we are well educated, but not well informed. A white high school dropout can make more money in his or her life time than a college educated Black, period. Why, racism!! The power to control people along distinct lines of race, ethnicity and class regardless of one's socioeconomic and/or educational status. Those Black Folks who do possess riches; they are riches that are rooted in white folks wealth. And as such when Mr. Charlie decided to turn off the lights and move millions of "middle class, livable-wage-jobs over seas", 1 million black families instantly dropped below the poverty line; many with MBAs. We have no tangible, entrenched, transferable wealth. No, what we need are less Neo-Negroes who like the House Negroes of Old allow themselves to be mentally manipulated into believing, if they received the Negro Stamp of Approval from Almighty Whitie, everything was going to be all right. Well they are not, after four hundred years the more things appear to change the more they remain the same for Black Folks...just ask Collin Powell.

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You Said
chris said:
"All Barack has really done is show that a cultural....
chris said:
diane, that was the politest racist comment i have ever....
chris said:
chris said:
americas sale of bad loans causeed buisness around the world....
chris said:
Q. why are you so gay....
chris said:
yes im sure her son pushed him over the edge....
Sticky said:
Very valid, pithy, succncit, and on point. WD.....
Kill Whitie
Our President
The Magic Negro!
More Vanilla than Chocolate these days


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